Friday, November 11, 2011

Ch Ch Ch Changes. are home from the hospital. Sleep deprived, overjoyed and in love. So, what now? SHOWER!! Then, a few things that you can expect if you are a first time mom. Lots and lots of crying. And I don't mean by baby. I literally would cry at the drop of a hat. I would cry because I love her so much or I am so tired, too many visitors, or just because. I felt like I was always crying. I can say that six and half months later, I still cry, but not as much. Light at end of the tunnel! Also, there is nothing that can prepare you for how tired you will be. But, those crazy hormones will make you enjoy every sleep deprived moment with your new little bundle of joy. Another great thing about having a baby is that everyone and their mom wants to come meet them. Don't be afraid to say no, but remember that they want a quick snuggle with a newborn, too. I would tell some people that they can stop by for a couple of minutes, but nothing longer than half an hour. Some days there would be people coming back to back to see her, it can become overwhelming in the moment, but looking back I am glad I have those memories. People with common sense will completely understand if they have to wait to come over. Decide if you want flowers. Seriously. I was not prepared for the amount of bouquets I received,  but I LOVE flowers so I didn't mind one bit. Now let's get to the gross stuff, cause that's what I'm all about!

I felt ambushed by the amount of poop that a seven pound baby could produce! I mean, really! What goes in must come out, I guess. But this was at a rate that I barely could keep up with. Sometimes it would be in the middle of a diaper change, and I would find myself face to face with a double "situation". Not only am I trying to get her cleaned up, but now I have the carpet cleaner and bleach out to combat the spray poo that just hit the door and carpet next to the changing table.  Why didn't anyone tell me this? I would have taken more precautions while changing her diaper, like I would have done it quicker or in the bathtub. (Not really, but much easier to clean!) The best is when it would happen at 3:12 am. Awesome. That quick diaper change turned into a full blown crime scene clean up. Good thing I know who the culprit is, so no investigation needed. Best thing to do is laugh, because it truly was hilarious. The best was when I had her tush aimed towards her crib when she was locked and loaded..AIMED and FIRED! Target was hit. Guess it was time to change her sheets anyway. Moral of the story, have back up sheets, lots of diapers and even more patience.
Spit-up, pee and tears will quickly become part of your wardrobe. Being sneezed on will actually become cute and farts have never sounded so adorable. The truth is, it all is so gross but these things make you love your baby even more.(There go those crazy hormones again!) I love that God built us like this- to love, and love with every ounce of our being even after a day from h e double hockey sticks.  Cause, believe me, there will be plenty of those in the land of mommy.
Next up...nursing! Wait until you hear what it's REALLY like :)

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I was able to make it through your accounts so far. You are so clever and I am looking forward to what else you have to write about. What do you pray for in those moments?
